JL DESIGN .'s profile

HBTV 2015 Channel Rebrand Ident

位於長江與漢江匯流之處,除形成湖北特殊地理位置外,也造就其經濟與歷史文化的中心; 密佈的河網更令湖北與水的關係密不可分。JL DESIGN在2015湖北衛視頻道改版上便以「水」作為設計符號,從水滴、波紋、水氣泡、波浪等不同型態來傳達湖北衛視正如水一般,型態多變且蘊含豐富內容,傳承著千年歷史文化也乘載著每個人的夢想與願望。

Hubei is situated in the central region of China, a location where the Yangtze river and Han river meet. It is a center of economical and cultural activities,  a reflection on the importance of the rivers. To Hubei, water is of utmost importance. JL DESIGN, in the 2015 refresh of HubeiTV, uses water as the main design element - from water droplets to ripples to bubbles to waves. Water as a vessel, carries with it, the hopes and dreams of the people of Hubei. 
ID 頻道識別影片/

The channel dents are based on the focus of HubeiTV’s programming, namely; news, culture and lifestyle. For the News Ident, the ripple represents influence. For the Lifestyle Ident, the splash made by the young man, together with the bubbles depict a younger, lively and more modern Hubei. For the Cultural ident, the skirt extends into a wave, symbolizing the beauty of Chinese culture and its reach.  

Design Studio: JL DESIGN
Creative Director: JL 羅申駿
Executive producer: Angela Moo 巫安琪 
Project Manager: Macy Peng 彭梅娟 / Jennifer Lin 林佳蓉
Art Director: Lance Wei 魏良恩
Designer: Hsiang Ju Hung 洪湘茹 
Channel ID
VFX / Design company : Plenty
JL DESIGN : Julian Chen 陳安 (Further post on Lifestyle ID)
VFX company : WeFX (Further post on Culture ID)
Music : Rockid Lee(MUSDM)
HBTV 2015 Channel Rebrand Ident

HBTV 2015 Channel Rebrand Ident

HBTV 2015 Channel Rebrand Ident - Lifestyle
